Wednesday, 15 November 2023 10:08

Upgrading The Membership Of The Management Department Student Association (HMDM)




Source : HMDM FEB Unand


Author: Nurul Hasanah

Padang, Public Relation- Upgrading the Membership of the Department of Management Student Association (HMDM) for the 2023/2024 period with the theme "Speaking Excellence: The Key To Management Success" was held on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at Andalas University. This activity also invited brother Iqbal Suranta Tarigan S.IKOM as a speaker as well as a trainer for the ability of administrators in the field of public speaking. The purpose of this upgrading activity is to increase self-confidence, develop communication skills, overcome language barriers, improve persuasion skills, improve adaptability, strengthen presentation skills, and build leadership.

This activity was opened by Ega Febrian and Juwita Jerniati Gea as MCs. Followed by remarks by Yolanda Izzati Adra as Chief Executive of the upgrading activity, Maha Fatih Naufal Anshory as CEO of HMDM for the 2023/2024 period, and prayer reading by Atthoriq Herlambang.


Entering the core event, namely the delivery of material on public speaking by brother Iqbal Tarigan and presentation practice by each division representative such as the Human Resource Development division represented by Zahra Mawaddah Asri with the theme of tourism, the Research and Development division represented by Farelia Malika Dewi with the theme of fashion & beauty, the Public Relations division represented by Dinda Patricia Melanie Putri with the culinary theme,  Creative Media division represented by Izzi Fekraf As-Shidiqi with technology theme, Business Development division represented by Hana Afifah Permata with automotive theme, and Disciplinary Commission division represented by Atthoriq Herlambang with art & culture theme. In addition, the speaker also opened a question session regarding the material given to the upgrading participants.


Source : HMDM FEB Unand



After the core event was over, the next activity was the presentation of certificates to the speakers as a form of appreciation and token of gratitude handed over by the chief executive and accompanied by the CEO of HMDM, Maha Fatih Naufal. To end the event, HMDM administrators took a group photo with the speakers.



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Limau Manis Campus, Padang, West Sumatra, 25163

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