Civil Servant Lecturers Recruitment

In recruiting permanent lecturers, the University needs to comply with Government Regulation No.11/2017 on Civil Servant Management.


Civil Servants Management in PP 11 of 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants includes provisions regarding the formulation and determination of needs, procurement, rank and position, career development, career patterns, promotions, mutations, performance appraisals, payroll and benefits, awards, discipline, dismissal, pension insurance and old-age pension, as well as protection.

Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 11 Year 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants was stipulated on March 30, 2017, in Jakarta by President Joko Widodo. Government Regulation Number 11 Year 2017 concerning Management of Civil Servants came into force on April 7, 2017, after the promulgation of Menkumham Yasonna H. Laoly in Jakarta.


The background of the stipulation of Government Regulation Number 11 Year 2017 about Management of Civil Servants is that to implement the provisions of Article 17, Article 18 paragraph (4), Article 19 paragraph (4), Article 20 paragraph (4), Article 57, Article 67, Article 68 paragraph (7), Article 74, Article 78, Article 81, Article 85, Article 86 paragraph (4), Article 89, Article 91 paragraph (6), Article 92 paragraph (4), and Article 125 of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, it is necessary to stipulate Government Regulation on Management of Civil Servants.


1. Article 5 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia;

2. Act Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2014, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5494);


In the context of conducting ASN Management based on the Merit System, it is necessary to arrange PNS Management. PNS Management Arrangement aims to produce professional civil servants, have fundamental values, professional ethics, free from political intervention, free from corrupt practices, collusion, and nepotism in the context of carrying out public service tasks, governmental tasks, and specific development tasks.

The Management of Civil Servants is carried out by the President as the highest authority in guiding ASN who can delegate part of his power to PPK.

In the management of PNS Management, the President or PPK has the authority to determine the appointment, transfer and dismissal of PNS as well as the management of PNS Management in Government Agencies in accordance with statutory provisions.

The authority of PNS management can be delegated to PyB in the implementation of the appointment, transfer and dismissal process of civil servants under statutory provisions.

To foster efficiency, effectiveness, accuracy of decision making, competency development information systems, training information systems, career management information systems, and retirement management information systems are part of an integrated part of the Civil Servant Information System.

Civil Servants Management in this Government Regulation contains provisions regarding the formulation and determination of needs, procurement, rank and position, career development, career patterns, promotions, transfers, performance appraisals, payroll and benefits, awards, discipline, dismissal, pension and pension benefits, and protection.

Government Regulation No.11/2017 on Civil Servant Management: Click ORIGINAL DOCUMENT

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