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Vision & Missions

Educational Philosophy

Universitas Andalas strives to build a good and strong student character to produce graduates with global competitiveness and entrepreneurship spirit. The University formulates Andalasian Characters that consists of four elements: spirituality, knowledge, charity, and social. Spirituality is the key element of education which are going to generate a religious person.  It is expected the four elements will affect the students' attitude, ways of thinking, and actions in conducting “the three pillars of higher education” (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi): education, research, and community services.  

It is expected that the four elements of the character educate students with patience, empathy, honesty, fairness, responsibility, and sincerity, which is abbreviated  SEJATI (Sabar, Empati, Jujur, Adil, Tanggungjawab, and Ikhlas). "Patience' means that students endure trials, not irritable or quickly despaired, steadfast, unhurried, and calm. 'Empathy' means that  students have a mental state that has a feeling or identify themselves in the same state of feeling or mind with other people or groups. 'Honesty' means that students have moral correctness, uprightness, or honorableness, and do not lie, cheat in their study and always obey the regulations imposed by the university. 'Fairness' means that students treat everyone equal, not one-sided.  "Responsibility' means that students have the courage to bear all risks due to behaviour/action/everything they do. Sincerity"  means that students have a sincere attitude or do something unconditionally.

This Andalasian Character is also reflected on UMSP student attitudes. Most UMSP students are expected to be a manager, entrepreneur, business consultant, professional employee, researcher, and lecturers in the future. Therefore, the implementation of Andalasian character for UMSP graduates become more essential to guide them to be a well–attitude manager or entrepreneur.

Andalasian Character
